私は最近、EBSとNBSの違いをしっかりと理解してオイスカ活動で実践していくためにも、edX*と呼ばれる無料オンライン講座で、Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience(NBSを活用した気候変動へのレジリエンス向上)のコースを受講しています。
In Japan, Tokio Marine, an insurance company, is undertaking mangrove restoration, which they promote as ‘insurance for the future of the Earth.’ The project has generated an estimated $1 billion in natural services since its inception in 1999, 40 percent of which is related directly to disaster risk reduction. Such initiatives not only have the potential to increase protection against disaster and climate risks, but can also generate goods such as sustainably managed timber, water and fruit and sustainable economic activities such as tourism.