持続可能な地域社会づくりをめざした国際協力 ― 生物多様性の保全および回復活動推進のための国際会議 ― International Partnership for Sustainable Community Development ― Conference on Biodiversity Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development ―
This Conference will deliberate on practicable approaches to achieve sustainable rural development founded on the building and conservation of biodiversity. Focusing on three dimensions, which are Sustainable livelihoods development, Environmental conservation and restoration, and Education, the discussion involves non-governmental and governmental perspectives through introducing the experiences of each practice. These dimensions must be addressed simultaneously because failure in successfully combating one issue may result in another problem aggravated. OISCA has named this holistic approach as “FURUSATO” movement. Cooperation between NGOs, governments, international agencies and corporations must be strengthened to promote the “FURUSATO” movement. The Conference is expected to formulate their appeal to the international community, and will be delivered to the Rio+20 to be held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012. ※詳細はこちらからダウンロードいただけます。(PDF:1400KB)
【日 時】 10月5日(水) 9:00~16:00
10月6日(木) 9:00~15:00
【会 場】 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター 国際会議室
(〒151-0052 東京都渋谷区代々木神園町3-1)
【主 催】 公益財団法人オイスカ
【後 援】 国連生物多様性条約事務局、国連Rio+20事務局、環境省、アジア太平洋青年連合(予定)
【助成協力】 財団法人地球産業文化研究所
【参加費】 無料