アジア(ウズベキスタン・アラル海)地域砂漠の緑化募金について About the fundraising for greening the desert in the Asia (Uzbekistan, Aral Sea) region.
It is said that about one-third of the land in the world is at risk of desertification. The Aral Sea region in Uzbekistan, which we will visit this time, is known for the greatest environmental destruction of the 20th century and the rapidly disappearing lake. Compared to the vastness of the sea-like Aral Sea in the 1960s, it has shrunk to one-tenth in just half a century. Its scale, which was comparable to the six prefectures of Tohoku in Japan, has become smaller than Miyagi Prefecture, resulting in an unimaginable change. The cause of this is rooted in the natural transformation plans by the former Soviet Union after World War II, which promoted cotton cultivation and the expansion of paddy rice as national policy, forcibly laying irrigation canals from the two major rivers, Amu Darya and Syr Darya, that flow into the Aral Sea. This led to a rapid decline in the water level of the Aral Sea, turning the once saltwater lake into a lake with rising salinity where no living creatures can survive, and naturally, the dried-up areas became barren lands that turned into deserts. OISCA has officially launched a project aimed at greening 40,000 hectares over a ten-year plan to restore desertification in the Aral Sea region starting in 2022. The Hokkaido branch of OISCA is engaged in awareness-raising and support related to the Aral Sea desert restoration project in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
We kindly ask for your cooperation in donating to this project.